Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

Google AdWords Campaign Management - When Ignorance is Definitely NOT Bliss

Almost every day I look at some Google AdWords advertisers and your AdWords campaign, I am reminded of an old proverb. "Fool and his money soon parted" The only question is ... How fast?

I find it amazing how long someone will bid on keywords that are losing money. How do I know that they are losing money? Easy. Using keyword research secretly I can see not only how some competitors are using certain keywords, but their ad's position, that their ads have varied over time, and how their website has changed as well.

Then I visit their website and look for signs that they May be getting a bad conversion ... and because I know my numbers and what it takes to get the conversion does not take complicated math formulas quickly and easily determine that a competitor can sometimes be throwing away thousands of dollars a month to advertise on a single keyword.

You May ask: "Why would anyone continue to advertise on the keyword that is losing them money?" There are four (4) responses that immediately comes to mind when I hear this question.

1 They are ignorant and do not know how to run AdWords campaigns properly.

2 They know that the keyword is losing money, but do not care because they are trying to establish a "brand awareness." (See answer # 1 for my opinion on this strategy .)

3.Tvrtka is financed by venture capital, and their goal is not necessarily to produce profits, but to go public or be purchased as soon as possible if you do not go bankrupt first.

4.Vjerojatnije is the reason that their Google AdWords campaign is to make money as a unit and they will leave "well enough" alone. In other words, collectively, all of the keywords you are bidding to make them money, they simply do not pay attention to those who are good keywords, and those who are poor


from # 4 is the most common, let's examine how this situation can be corrected. Depending on your level of daily consumption, perhaps you should be monitoring your keywords on a daily basis.

Find out how your confidence in the market. Its market will tell you which key words and keywords that do not. Your voice market and always vote with your wallet or pocketbook.

Too often it is easy to "fall in love" with keywords just because you think it is good. But if you test this keyword properly and found that a statistically significant amount of traffic arrived at your website, because that keyword, but the conversion associated with that traffic is bad, then it May be time to end their love affair with that keyword and focus on finding a more profitable one.

There are a lot of AdWords management tools that allow you to monitor, test and analyze keywords by using Google Adwords campaign in the most efficient way. Some of these tools are free and others are quite expensive.

, but just having the right tools does not mean that you get from them. You have to invest some time to master them as well, so you can manage your Google AdWords campaign effectively and dominate your competition.

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