Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

How to Stretch a Canvas Painting

Canvas Painting guide for canvas stretching.

purchase modern reproductions, pop art painting or portrait of your family or your pet online is now easy and affordable alternative to release images from the artist. Many sites sell hand painted oil paintings for a fraction of the price of the originals and that their pictures painted on canvas is a lot classier option than simply to print them on canvas using an industrial printer. However, most of the places to send your pictures unstretched and rolled up and you have stretched, either alone or Framer.

This guide will show you how simple canvas stretching and a few tools that you can stretch your canvas for the price of a few staples and some stretcher bars.

You will need:

    stretcher bars corresponds to the canvas size. Stretcher bars are available online or at any DIY store, if you would rather make your own will work "to canvas stretcher bars textbook" at a later date. stapler (you need a stable gun, one that you use to attach the notes to each other will be ineffective), or nails and a hammer. solid pliers (not necessary but may help to screen it really tight.)

before we get started lets go through some tips that will help the success of your canvas stretching experience.

    Be generous with the fabric, if you can get your copy or portrait painting supplier to add at least 7 cm border around the painting, it will make things much easier when it comes time to stretch. nice clean surface to work on is important to make sure your painting remains intact and in great condition. Two hands are better than one. - While stretching canvas on its own it definitely helps to have friends lit burden, especially for the first time.

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